Physiotherapy in Stroke rehabilitation.

A trained physiotherapist plays an important role in rehabilitation (taking back to pre stroke stage ) of the patients and hence make them independent as soon as possible and improve their quality of life after stroke.
Rehabilitation of a stroke patient may vary from person to person.Some may get to normal too soon and some may take time to get to normal.
It is important for the patient and the family member to keep the patient motivating in this challenging time so that the patient don't get demotivated on his path to recovery.
A trained physiotherapist first assess the patient how severe the stroke is and what is  his present status now,Whether he is able to move slightly his affected side or is it completely in paralytic state . whether the sensory function/motor function is intact or it got affected by this stroke.According to the assessment the Physiotherapist start his rehabilitation program with various movements (passive/active), exercise's,various activities which will enhance is daily work activities, different kind of stretches , strength exercise,gait training and many more physiotherapeutics techniques to get the patient get back to normalcy.So we anyone is suffering from post stroke don't loose hope of getting back to normal .we are ready to help you all as much as possible.So after the initial treatment done on hospital a proper Physiotherapy rehabilitation is required is most of the cases except from those who has suffered just a minor stroke.
We are ready to help the people of Guwahati,Jorhat for now is required.
Contact us on 8011189599,8812871063.


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